Watt Hardison Elementary School
What is Title 1?
WHE is a Title 1 school. What does this mean? Title 1 is the largest federally funded program for schools. It is designed to generate high levels of student achievement in core academic areas. WHE receives Title 1 funds to provide a Reading Specialist and support personnel to assist with students' learning needs. These funds also provide additional technology such as Chromebooks, iPads and computers in addition to educational resources such as books and hands on materials.

General Parent Information

TDOE Parent Notification

TDOE Complaint Procedures for Federal Grants

Parent and Family Engagement Packet

WHE Learning Compact





















Want to learn more about helping your child?  Check out these articles!

April 2021- Get your child to listen, the first time

March 2021- Learning with Hobbies

Feburary 2021- Be Responsible

January 2021-Organized for a new year

December 2020- Word Play Boosts Vocabulary

November 2020-Managing emotions

October 2020-Homework Success

September 2020-Confidence about school



Our Shared Vision

Sumner County Schools is a collaborative culture of high performing students, teachers, and school communities.

Mission Statement

Sumner County Schools commits to growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.